Sunday 16 May 2010

Successful shopping.

1. Vintage Market.
Today, I went to a vintage Market. My best friend, Bee, was going to come, but she got in a fight with her parents, and they said she couldn't. So, I went with just my mum. We saw some really cool stalls, there are a couple of links below to some cool websites.

Because Bee couldn't come, and I'm a good friend, I got Bee some earrings :)

It was mostly vintage pieces, all sorts of stuff - Bags, jewelery, Antiques, furniture and, of course, clothes. I got a dress and a key ring, which I know sounds really babyish - 'I got a key ring with Scooby Do on it!' Na, it was a piece of wood with flowers painted on it. It was, like, £3. So I didn't pass up the offer.

There were loads of dresses, and now I'm kinda regretting buying the one I got, although I do love it. It's faded and it's got these little Chinese people with flowers and parisoles printed on it. It's got that scrunchy material at the sides on the top

The annoying thing about shopping with me mum, was all she thought about was practicality. I had to explain to her that there's a fine line between vintage and old granny... or was it the other way round?

2. National trust.

Yesterday, I went to a national trust house with a big park. We walked round and I took some pictures, which I'll put up some other time. There was a gift shop and they soly mostly soap and umbrellas and crumby stuff like that, but they also sold hats. They had some flat grandad caps and some straw grandad hats. I got a straw one, and I love it :). I wasn't even put off when the old man behind me in the queue for the check out was buying the hat.
The image is at the top - I couldn't move it :D

1 comment:

  1. I actually REALLY love that dress of yours. :O
    WANT IT. Wish I could have came now.
    Well that sucks. :(
